Digital Strategist & Entrepreneur

Professional Background & Skillsets

( view personal background & interests )  

Key Skillsets

  • Web Application architecture
  • Analyzing/recognizing technical debt and consulting on solutions
  • SEO Strategy and specific consulting regarding technical SEO
  • National scale local SEO ( nationwide localized leadgen, education, etc. )
  • Overall online marketing strategy

Opportunities of Interest 

  • Part Time / Temporary CTO positions, preferably as it applies to architecting, or scaling applicatons on OOS tech stacks ( LAMP, MEAN, etc. ), up to 1yr engagements.
  • Temporary SEO/Online marketing consulting - Interested in analyzing and updating the online marketing strategy of web-based businesses, or triaging existing SEO issues/setbacks, 1-3mo engagements.
  • Board/Advisory positions - Interested in opportunities to join boards or advisory teams where my unique combination of web development, seo, and business experience can help grow exciting companies.
  • EIR and similar positions - Very interested in working with tech startups where my diverse skillset can help early-stage growth
  • Technical Co-Founder situations - Potentially open to interesting, disruptive ideas/ventures.

Tools & Services Adam uses:

  • FancyHands - Virtual Assistant ( referral link )
  • - AI Scheduling Service
  • todoist - Task Tracking
  • toggl - Time Tracking
  • buffer - social media scheduling
  • G Suite - Email/Calendaring
  • Android Phone
  • Mac and Linux personal computers
  • Slack

What makes Adam Interesting

I have been in the digital world since around 2004. Starting with freelance work for a number of years after school before taking a job running dev & online marketing for a local agency. In 2007 I took a chance to start my own web development & online marketing agency, The Red Theory, growing that company to as high as 8 staff members during its prime. The agency focused on building/growing various businesses, both online and brick&mortar, in the ~$250k to ~$5M revenue range.

2015-2017 was a span of time where I fell out of love with finding/quoting brochure site projects to pay bills/payroll, and realized many of our clients retained us mostly for access to my direct skillset and experience. Then in 2017 I made a very difficult decision to pare down the full-service offerings of TRT, trim staff, and cease having an outside office space to move back home and focus on consulting over implementing for clients.

Paring down client dev/SEO implementation allows me to continue working on my dev/seo skillset with internal projects I enjoy, like my beardcare company, (Tidy Beards). That keeps me more mentally available for consulting other clients on keeping their digital presence and strategies on point and driving growth.

Moving foward, I am putting a strong focus on running Tidy Beards, as well as diving into subscription-based business like the recently launched RacquetBox - a RacquetBall subscription box, as well as other sub projects launching soon, and various web projects like

Along with that, I continue to dedicate a portion of my time towards outside consulting, and am open to positions/situations described above, as well as other creative ideas that come my way.

Feel free to contact me to set up a call to discuss possible engagements/partnerships/etc.!